A case study - Living standard of village Buwana, (Jind)


  • Ashok Assit. Prof. of Geography (Extension), P.I.G.G.C.W Jind


Buwana village, Jind, cherished, vibrant colors


Buwana, a little village nestled in the heart of Jind, has a charm of its own. It's a place where time seems to slow down, where neighbors are more like family, and where the simplicity of life is truly cherished.when we talk about the living standard of Buwana, we're not talking about fancy skyscrapers or bustling city life. No siree! It's more about the essence of life in a close-knit community, where people know each other's names, share smiles, and help each other out. Let me paint a picture for you. Picture this: You wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the aroma of freshly brewed chai wafting through the air. The houses in Buwana might not be grand, but they are cozy, with vibrant colors adorning their walls. It's like a painting that comes to life. As you stroll through the village, you'll see farmers tending to their fields with a sense of pride and determination. The fields are like a patchwork quilt of green and gold, a sight to behold. It's hard work, no doubt, but it's the kind of hard work that brings a sense of fulfillment.


Local Government Reports: Government websites and local administrative bodies might have reports or data related to living standards, development projects, or demographics of Buwana village and the Jind district.

Books and Publications: Look for books or publications that focus on rural development, socioeconomic conditions, or case studies in rural India. These sources may provide valuable insights into Buwana village.

Interviews and Fieldwork: If possible, conduct interviews with residents of Buwana village or experts in the field who have visited the area. First-hand accounts can provide valuable qualitative data.

University Libraries: Check with your university library or academic institution for access to academic journals, books, and other resources related to your topic.

Local NGOs and Organizations: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in the Jind district may have conducted studies or have data related to the living standards and development in Buwana village.




How to Cite

Ashok. (2015). A case study - Living standard of village Buwana, (Jind). International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 6(1), 21–22. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/64



Original Research Article