Employee training and executive development and its importance: A Review


  • Ashish Kumar Asstt professor, Vaish Institute of Management and Technology, Rohtak


Organization, Financially


The success of every company is heavily dependent on its personnel in every industry. “The firm also has to guarantee that its personnel are efficient in order to be financially powerful and competitive on the market. As a result, firms must pay attention to employee happiness and retention in order to maintain this vital human resource. Some businesses believe that workers only care about the money they can make from their employment”. Employees put a significant value on the intrinsic advantages of their occupations, and this statement ignores this fact. As a result, not only is it bad for staff morale and retention, but it's also bad for business. To thrive in a constantly changing business climate, every company needs have personnel that are capable of adapting quickly. Investing heavily in staff training and development is now the norm for most businesses, since it is the only way to stay competitive and profitable. Organizations are increasingly turning to training as a means of keeping up with the competition in the market.


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How to Cite

Ashish Kumar. (2015). Employee training and executive development and its importance: A Review. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 6(1), 144–149. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/81



Original Research Article