
  • Rohit Chaudhary Research Scholar at PG College IIET Kinana
  • Kuldeep Boora Asstt. Professor at PG College IIET Kinana


natural fiber, polymer composite, management, investigate


The modern dynamic world can’t imagine its development without bringing the concept of advancement in material composite. Various researches are going on in this field to achieve the desired standard. Natural fiber reinforced polymer composite has a huge affinity to replace the composite made up of synthetic fiber. This is primarily because of the advantages like light weight, non-toxic, non-abrasive, easy availability, low cost, and biodegradable properties. The synthetic fibers have higher end of mechanical properties like tensile strength and tensile modulus however the specific mechanical properties like specific tensile modulus and other specific properties (properties/specific gravity) of natural fiber gives a satisfying result for composites as compared to synthetic fiber based composites. The objective of the present study is to investigate the use of natural fiber reinforced polymer composite from the waste. In the waste many organic substances are thrown out without much concern that they are having a value to be used in the different way and providing their use in second way. The point in using this way of waste management to use the material to its fullest. The other thing which made me to work on this topic is a saying that WHAT APPEARS WASTE TO OTHERS IT APPEARS GOLD TO ME.


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How to Cite

Rohit Chaudhary, & Kuldeep Boora. (2015). APPLICATIONS OF COMPOSITES IN WASTE MANAGEMENT. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 6(2). Retrieved from



Original Research Article