Modern Technology in Education : A review


  • Kaur


Education, Technology


People commonly refer to the twenty-first century as the technological age. In today's world, technology is an essential part of our daily lives. Distances no longer exist as a barrier to education, thanks solely to technological advancements. There are several ways in which technology has had an influence on our lives, and one of them is in education. By definition, education is the transmission of information, skills, and habits from one generation to the next by means of instruction, training, and research. Because of the widespread use of information and communication technologies, educational technology is more important than ever before (ICT). An systematic approach to using contemporary technology to improve education is called educational technology. Learning and teaching may be conceptualised and evaluated in a systematic fashion using this method, and it can assist in the use of current educational teaching methods. New roles for technology in education are being explored in this study, which is a conceptual effort to understand how technology has evolved through time.


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How to Cite

Kaur, P. (2022). Modern Technology in Education : A review. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(1), 52–58. Retrieved from