
  • Nikhil Kalraiya Infinity Management & Engineering College Sagar (M.P.),RGPV,Bhopal,Sagar (M.P.), India
  • Asst.Prof Sarvesh Rai Infinity Management & Engineering College ,RGPV,Bhopal,Sagar (M.P.), India


Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Natural Language Processing


Social networking websites, application such as Twitter and Facebook, Instagram are important spaces for discussion regarding anything like product, events, election etc. Now a day the channels for shows opinions seem to increase daily. When these opinions are applicable to a company, These opinions are important sources of business insight, whether they represent critical intelligence about a customer‟s defection risk, the impact of an strong reviewer on other people‟s obtain decisions, or early feedback on product releases, company news or competitors. The importance of controlling the opinion is growing as Customer use technologies such as Twitter to express their views directly to other customer. This was the main encouragement behind this work. It is decided to develop a system that cans analyses about Demonetisation in India 2016.


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How to Cite

Nikhil Kalraiya, & Asst.Prof Sarvesh Rai. (2016). IMPROVING PERFORMANCE OF TWITTER BASED ON SENTIMENT ANALYSIS. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(9). Retrieved from



Original Research Article