Enhancement of Adhoc Wireless network Security by Customized Encryption Technology & using Multilayer of Security


  • Sumit Tuteja Research Scholar, Geeta Engineering College, Naultha Panipat
  • Mr. Nikhil Sharma Assistant Professor , Geeta Engineering College, Naultha Panipat


pioneering, Lack, Wireless


Ad-hoc Wireless computing proposes new ways to provide services. These pioneering technical & pricing opportunities bring changes within way business operated. Lack of security is only barrier within wide adoption of Wireless Computing. The fastest development in Wireless computing has brought many security issues and challenges for users. Wireless computing offers many benefits, but it is also vulnerable to threats.


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How to Cite

Sumit Tuteja, & Mr. Nikhil Sharma. (2016). Enhancement of Adhoc Wireless network Security by Customized Encryption Technology & using Multilayer of Security. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(6), 143–148. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/924



Original Research Article