Need and Importance of Private Public Libraries in e-Environment: A Study of Haryana, India


  • Sanjeev Dhiman


Private public libraries, Private libraries;, Govt. public libraries;, E-environment;


This study explores need and importance of the private public libraries for a society and a large population in this e-environment and what kind of services these libraries provide to their users. Long time ago India had many libraries under many rulers but they were not for the common people, so we can say that they were all just private libraries. Presently the concept of private public library is completely different as these libraries are for everyone. The concept of private public library is new for developing countries and their states, Haryana is one of them. Like other states of India in Haryana too, competition is increasing in all fields like study, business, jobs, etc. therefore the need for public libraries is also increasing naturally for all. Therefore, presently public libraries established by the government are not sufficient for everyone. Hence, in the future the private public libraries can be useful and fruitful in the entire state.


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How to Cite

Dhiman, S. (2021). Need and Importance of Private Public Libraries in e-Environment: A Study of Haryana, India. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(1), 44–48. Retrieved from



Original Research Article