
  • Akshita Saxena Research Scholar, KIST Bhopal,M.P.
  • Nitin Chaudhary HOD Department of CS , KIST Bhopal,M.P.


scalable, isolation, infrastructure


This Research presents a comparative study of DECIMAL ATTRIBUTE BASED ENCRYPTION in cloud server and the security issues associated with those systems. In today’s networked world, computers rarely work in isolation. They collaborate with each other for the purpose of communication, processing, data transfer, storage etc., when systems work in this collaborative fashion with other systems that are geographically scattered over wide distance it is commonly known as a distributed system. In literature, researchers have used diverse definitions to outline what a distributed system is Inspired by the cloud computing characteristics like pay per use, rapid elasticity, scalable, on demand self service, secure and economical. The motivation for cloud computing was initially driven by large scale resource intensive government application, that require more computational, network and storage resources then a single computer, cloud provides in a single administrative domain. Cloud computing is a computing paradigm, where a large pool of systems are connected in private or public networks, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure for application, data and file storage at low cost.


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How to Cite

Akshita Saxena, & Nitin Chaudhary. (2016). DECIMAL ATTRIBUTE BASED ENCRYPTION IN CLOUD SERVER. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(6), 97–102. Retrieved from



Original Research Article