Study of Third Law of Thermodynamics


  • Vikas Student, M.DU. Rohtak
  • Priyanka Extension Lecturer, G.C Safidon


Thermodynamics, temperature, foundations, absolute zero


The Third Law of Thermodynamics is the lesser known of the three major thermodynamic laws. Together, these laws help form the foundations of modern science. The laws of thermodynamics are absolute physical laws - everything in the observable universe is subject to them. Like time or gravity, nothing in the universe is exempt from these laws. In its simplest form, the Third Law of Thermodynamics relates the entropy (randomness) of matter to its absolute temperature. The Third Law of Thermodynamics refers to a state known as "absolute zero." This is the bottom point on the Kelvin temperature scale. The Kelvin scale is absolute, meaning 0° Kelvin is mathematically the lowest possible temperature in the universe. This corresponds to about -273.15° Celsius, or -459.7 Fahrenheit.


(i) Corning, P. A. & Kline, S.J. 1997a. “Thermodynamics, Information and Life Revisited, Part I To Be or Entropy” Syst. Res. Behav. Sci. Vol. 14:0:1-22 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

(ii) Corning, P. A. & Kline, S.J. 1997b. “Thermodynamics, Information and Life Revisited, Part II „Thermoeconomics‟ and „Control Information‟” Syst. Res. Behav. Sci. Vol. 14:0:1-29

(iii) John Wiley & Sons. Corning, P.A. in press. “On the Concept of Synergy and its Role in the Evolution of Complex Systems,” Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems.

(iv) Swenson, R. 1989a. “Emergent Attractors and the Law of Maximum Entropy Production: Foundations to a Theory of General Evolution,” International Federation for Systems Research Pergamon Press.




How to Cite

Vikas, & Priyanka. (2016). Study of Third Law of Thermodynamics. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(5), 39–41. Retrieved from



Original Research Article