A Review on Fault Characteristics and Protection of Distributed Solar Generation


  • Badal Bisen


communication,, smart inverter,, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Management System


Recent developments in power electronics technology have spurred interest in the use of renewable energy sources as distributed generation (DG) generators. The key component in DG generators is a grid-connected inverter that serves as an effective interface between the renewable energy source and the utility grid. Electricity is the greatest gift of science to humanity reached for civilization where electricity is used for all purposes. However, in recent times a paradigm shift is evolving in the generation of electrical energy from the concept of using major generating plants to minor generating units allied to the distribution systems in the form of microgrids with alternative energy sources called renewables. Around the world renewable energy use is on the rise and these alternate energy sources can generate pollution-free electrical energy to the society. In order to achieve higher functionality, efficiency and reliability, in addition to improving the control algorithms it is beneficial to equip the inverters with “smart” features.


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How to Cite

Bisen, B. (2021). A Review on Fault Characteristics and Protection of Distributed Solar Generation. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(1), 18–21. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/86



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