An Eco-friendly natural dying on wool fabric by using medicinal herbs kalanchoe pinnata (patherchatta) and sida cordifolia (bala)


  • Pooja kumari


Sida-cordifolia, kalanchoe-pinnata


Kalanchoe-pinnata and sida-cordifolia are natural medicinal herbs found in abundance in various tropical and sub-tropical regions of India. These herbs have excellent curing and healing property and have been used as diseases curing medicines since Vedic eras. But no literature has been found regarding their colouring behavior to textiles. These plants are named by different names in different parts of our country and abroad. Present research is an attempt to explore their colouring behaviour to textiles.In this present research work, woollen fabric was dyed after dye extraction from the kalanchoe-pinnata and sida-cordifolia leaves using aqueous extraction method and optimization of dyeing condition like concentration of dye and mordants, time, temperature and pH value. Dyeing was carried out in water shaker bath by pre, meta and post-mordanting dyeing procedures using alum, ferrous sulphide and copper as chemical mordants and orange peel extract, goose berry extract and harda as natural mordants.Colour strength, colour values (L*, a*, b*) and various fastness properties of dyed fabric were evaluated using AATCC test standard. Both herbs give a wide colour spectrum in yellow-green region with excellent fastness properties. The overall results show that both of these dyes can be successfully used and explored further for dyeing of wool with medicinal properties.


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How to Cite

Pooja kumari. (2015). An Eco-friendly natural dying on wool fabric by using medicinal herbs kalanchoe pinnata (patherchatta) and sida cordifolia (bala). International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 6(1), 153–166. Retrieved from



Original Research Article