Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, TORA protocol using Riverbed simulator


  • Er. Vikas Kumar I.I.E.T. College, Kinana, Jind
  • Dr. Shelly Garg I.I.E.T. College, Kinana, Jind
  • Mr. Kapil Sachdeva I.I.E.T. College, Kinana, Jind


MANET, Riverbed, Throughput, Network Load


MANET’S are the wireless sensor networks in which two different devices communicate without any base station or access points in between them(1). The primary goal of ad-hoc network routing protocol is to meet the challenges of the dynamically changing topology and establish an efficient route between any two nodes with minimum routing overhead and bandwidth consumption. TORA is a highly adaptive efficient and scalable distributed routing algorithm based on concept of link reversal. In this paper we use Riverbed Simulator (OPNET) for studying various characteristics of MANET using TORA routing protocol. & compare them with AODV, DSDV and TORA.


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How to Cite

Er. Vikas Kumar, Dr. Shelly Garg, & Mr. Kapil Sachdeva. (2016). Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, TORA protocol using Riverbed simulator. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(1). Retrieved from



Original Research Article