An Advanced Mean Round Robin (AMRR), CPU Scheduling Algorithm


  • PRINCY THAREJA Research Scholar, Universal Institute of Technology,Garhi , (Hansi)
  • SUNITA Asst. Professor, Universal Institute of Technology,Garhi , Hansi)


scheduling, RR and SJF Schedule Algorithms, Turnaround Time


The Round Robin (RR) CPU scheduling algorithm is an impartial scheduling algorithm that gives same time quantum to all processes. The selection of the time quantum is very critical as it affects the algorithm’s performance. This paper suggests a new algorithm that improved on the Round Robin (RR) CPU scheduling algorithm. The proposed algorithm was implemented and benchmarked against other algorithms available in the literature. The proposed algorithm compared with the other algorithms, produces minimal average waiting time (AWT), average turnaround time (ATAT), and number of context switches (NCS). It also improves average response time. Built on these results, the proposed algorithm should be preferred over other scheduling algorithms for systems that adopt RR CPU scheduling.


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How to Cite

PRINCY THAREJA, & SUNITA. (2016). An Advanced Mean Round Robin (AMRR), CPU Scheduling Algorithm. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(3). Retrieved from



Original Research Article