Implementation of Object Oriented Automated Testing in Matlab using MLUnit Tool


  • Manoj Department of CSE RN Engineering College, Computer Science Engineering
  • Ms. Pooja Ahlawat Department of CSE , Assistant Professor, RN Engineering College


Validation, verification, embedded, expensive, programming


Validation and verification of the code is required because of ever-increasing complexity of embedded software applications, and the emergence of safety critical applications. Several embedded software development groups are using models and doing up front engineering before testing on final product to address this need. Use of old style of testing late in the development cycle resulted in very expensive release cycles.


Object Oriented software testing by Devid C. Kung

Automated Testing tools

Matlab Documentation 4.ML-Unit Matlab unit Test Framework

Object Oriented programming in Matlab

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How to Cite

Manoj, & Ms. Pooja Ahlawat. (2016). Implementation of Object Oriented Automated Testing in Matlab using MLUnit Tool. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(3). Retrieved from



Original Research Article