Implementation of Socket Programming using


  • Jaspreet Kaur Pasricha M.Tech Scholar, R.N.C.E.T Panipat, Haryana, Department of Computer Science & engineering
  • Virender Kadyan Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, R.N.C.E.T Panipat, Haryana


anatomy of sockets, manipulate, socket connection, Server Socket Program


TCP socket connections are an essential part of socket programming as they provide a connection oriented service with both flow and congestion control. This means that a TCP connection provides a reliable connection over which data can be transferred with less effort required on the programmer part; TCP takes care of the reliability, flow control, congestion control for you. Firstly we discuss basics concepts, and then we will learn how to implement a simple TCP client and server. This research explains the networking concepts, instance ISO stack, of TCP/IP under the C# framework by employing its essential socket classes and how applications can logically and physically be distributed in a network environment. In this we are going to create a client socket program using C# and a Server Socket Program using with the use of Encryption and Decryption the message send from client to server transmits securely. Apart from that, we shall learn how to manipulate an IP address and do a DNS lookup to establish a socket connection between the client and server. The anatomy of sockets in depth and examine how to develop a client and server application to set up a socket connection.

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How to Cite

Jaspreet Kaur Pasricha, & Virender Kadyan. (2015). Implementation of Socket Programming using International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 6(2). Retrieved from



Original Research Article