Enhancing Data Storage Security in Cloud Using Cryptography


  • Ms. Shivani B. Nimje Computer Science and Technology St. Vincent Pallotti College of engineering and technology, Nagpur, India.
  • Prof. M. B. Gudadhe Computer Science and Technology St. Vincent Pallotti College of engineering and technology, Nagpur, India.


Blowfish, RSA, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption


In the field of cloud computing, data security is of paramount importance. For safe data storage, a variety of encryption algorithms are available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. In identity-based encryption, there is a difficulty with the key escrow and certificate revocation. Personality-based encryption does not require a secure intermediary. The key escrow and certificate revocation issues will be solved using the certificate-less encryption technique. In certificate less encryption, the responsibility of key generation is split between the cloud and the client. The Blowfish and RSA algorithms will be implemented to establish whether the algorithm has outstanding speed, both algorithms will be analyzed and compared in terms of encryption and decryption speed. When compared to alternative symmetric algorithms, the Blowfish algorithm was chosen because of its better speed. The RSA algorithm is chosen because it is faster than the other asymmetric algorithms. Calculate how fast the techniques' encryption and decryption processes are with the identical key length and message characters. Time is measured ten times, then the average figure is taken to produce a consistent result. As our data input environment in Python, we used characters, and based on that, we came to some conclusions. The result of this study is that the blowfish method is faster than RSA when it comes to encrypting or decrypting data. Methods of encryption and decryption will be used to hide and reveal the number of characters. 


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How to Cite

Ms. Shivani B. Nimje, & Prof. M. B. Gudadhe. (2022). Enhancing Data Storage Security in Cloud Using Cryptography. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(2), 239–245. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/597



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