Study of Elements of Political Science in Ancient India




Mahabharata, Manusmriti, Political, Ancient


The Mahabharata and the Manusmriti are two of India's most revered political books. All aspects of social, moral, ethical, economic and political life in India are covered in great detail in these works of Indian intellectual heritage. There is a wealth of political science-related information can be found after reading these books. The reason for this is because they are widely regarded as foundational works in Indian politics. A wide range of topics in political science are covered, including the state and its citizens, statecraft, governance and the judicial system. All of these topics are still relevant today. An ancient Indian classic like the Mahabharata or Manusmriti, such as the objective of this article is to extract political science aspects.


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How to Cite

SAKET SHEORAN. (2022). Study of Elements of Political Science in Ancient India. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(2), 6–10. Retrieved from



Original Research Article