A Review on Video Co-Streaming Application


  • Siddhi Nandokar Computer Engineering Department St.Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology. Nagpur, India
  • Riddhi Jiotode Computer Engineering Department St.Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology. Nagpur, India
  • Amritta Dutta Computer Engineering Department St.Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology. Nagpur, India
  • Mayuri Katwe Computer Engineering Department St.Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology. Nagpur, India


streaming method, online cinema, television series


Recently, the entire world experienced a period of lockdown that the people of India had never seen before, for such an extended period of time. In such a situation, in this day and age of technology and the Internet, everyone spends their free time in front of a digital screen, where they have a lot of options to see and choose from. People prefer online entertainment to offline entertainment in this age of digitization and long-distance communication. This document investigates cloud-based video streaming methods, with a focus on mobile devices. It is a tool that allows users to enjoy the company of their friends in an "online cinema" setting by synchronizing a video file over the internet. It will benefit those who enjoy watching television series or movies with family and friends.


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How to Cite

Siddhi Nandokar, Riddhi Jiotode, Amritta Dutta, & Mayuri Katwe. (2022). A Review on Video Co-Streaming Application. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(3), 157–161. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/550



Original Research Article