SVPC Meet : A Video Conference System


  • Atharva A Atkare Department of Computer Engineering St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology Nagpur, India
  • Prof. Vaibhav V Deshpande Department of Computer Engineering St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology Nagpur, India


video conferencing, online platforms, virtually, exclusively


Due to covid 19 pandemic, entire world came to standstill. Academics suffered a lot in the past two years. The education system moved to online mode for conduction of classes. Hence, video conferencing became valuable during these times. It became easy for teachers and students to meet virtually on a platform and keep studies upto-date. Google Meet, Zoom, Cisco WebEx are some the online platforms where people can meet virtually. One can host a meeting and others can join that particular meeting from the comfort of their homes. This project deals with one such platform which would help teachers connect with their students for meeting virtually. This system would be used exclusively for college and education purpose only.


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How to Cite

Atharva A Atkare, & Prof. Vaibhav V Deshpande. (2022). SVPC Meet : A Video Conference System. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(3), 79–82. Retrieved from



Original Research Article