Role of State government in Industrial development


  • J Garima


Policies, Regulations


The role of state government in industrial development is multifaceted and crucial for fostering economic growth and job creation within their jurisdictions. State governments play a pivotal role in creating an enabling environment for industries to thrive. Firstly, they are responsible for formulating and implementing policies and regulations that promote a business-friendly climate. This includes streamlining bureaucratic processes, providing incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies, and ensuring a stable legal framework. State governments often invest in infrastructure development, including transportation networks, energy supply, and technology parks, which are essential for attracting and sustaining industries. They can also facilitate access to funding and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and startups through grants, loans, and venture capital programs. Additionally, state governments support industrial development through workforce development initiatives, such as vocational training and education programs, which ensure a skilled labor force that meets the evolving needs of industries.


Porter, M. E. (1998). "Clusters and the New Economics of Competition." Harvard Business Review. This influential article by Michael Porter discusses the concept of industry clusters and their role in regional economic development.

Rodrik, D. (2008). "Industrial Policy: Don’t Ask Why, Ask How." Middle East Development Journal. In this paper, economist Dani Rodrik examines the rationale and strategies behind industrial policy, including the role of government.

Muro, M., et al. (2017). "America’s Advanced Industries: What They Are, Where They Are, and Why They Matter." Brookings Institution. This report explores the importance of advanced industries and the role of state and local governments in supporting their growth.

Lall, S. (2001). "Competitiveness, Technology, and Skills." Oxford Development Studies. This article discusses the relationship between competitiveness, technology adoption, and skill development, which are all relevant to industrial development.

UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). (2016). "Industrial Development Report 2016: The Role of Technology and Innovation in Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development." This report provides insights into the global perspective on industrial development, technology, and innovation.




How to Cite

Jain, G. (2014). Role of State government in Industrial development. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 5(1), 138–139. Retrieved from



Original Research Article