Colorization Model for Black and White Images


  • Vibhuti Khodke Dept. of Computer Engineering SVPCET, Nagpur, MH, India.
  • Siddhesh Yawalkar Dept. of Computer Engineering SVPCET, Nagpur, MH, India.
  • Treesa Shibu Dept. of Computer Engineering SVPCET, Nagpur, MH, India.
  • Siddhesh Yawalkar Dept. of Computer Engineering SVPCET, Nagpur, MH, India.
  • Prof. Pallavi Wankhede Dept. of Computer Engineering SVPCET, Nagpur, MH, India.


functionality, research directions, image colorization


In recent years, researchers' interest in image colorization has grown significantly, particularly with regard to deep learning-based image colorization approaches (DLIC). This work takes a novel deep learning-based approach to analyze the most recent developments in image colorization approaches methodically and extensively. It tackles the issue of imagining a believable color version of a grayscale image given only the input. Previous solutions have either required a lot of user engagement or produced desaturated colorizations, but this work provides a fully automated method that results in vivid and accurate colorizations. This paper discusses the introduction and effectiveness of Open CV and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for automatic picture colorization. It focuses on the introduction and effectiveness of Open CV and GANs, their structure, functionality and extent of research for image colorization. It also discusses results, several open issues of image colorization and outline future research directions. This paper can serve as a reference for researchers in image colorization and related fields.


Saeed Anwar, Muhammad Tahir, Chongyi Li, Ajmal Mian, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Abdul Wahab Muzaffar Image Colorization: A Survey and Dataset

Olga Russakovsky* · Jia Deng* · Hao Su · Jonathan Krause · Sanjeev Satheesh · Sean Ma · Zhiheng Huang · Andrej Karpathy · Aditya Khosla · Michael Bernstein · Alexander C. Berg · Li Fei-Fei ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge

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. Deep Koalarization: Image Colorization using CNNs and Inception-ResNet-v2" by Baldassarre et al. (2017)

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How to Cite

Vibhuti Khodke, Siddhesh Yawalkar, Treesa Shibu, Siddhesh Yawalkar, & Prof. Pallavi Wankhede. (2023). Colorization Model for Black and White Images. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 14(3), 102–107. Retrieved from



Original Research Article