A Comprehensive Review of Low-Power Internet of Things Networks under DIO- Suppression Attacks and Countermeasures
classification of attacks, compromise, DIO Suppression, RPL technologyAbstract
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of devices connected over the Internet. It is currently being utilized in various applications such as smart agriculture, smart industrial monitoring, smart homes, and smart vehicles, which rely on low-power and lossy networks (LLNs). To ensure the reliability and enhancement of the IoT system, it is essential to investigate the threats against the standardized Routing Protocol for LLNs (RPL) developed by the IETF. This paper aims to provide a concise study of IoT technology and its vulnerabilities to attacks that compromise its security. It also presents an overview of different attacks that can occur in RPL technology. Specifically, the paper delves deeper into the DIO Suppression attack, examining its impact on the routing service and the potential for deterioration.
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