Implementation of Numerical Methods for Solving Differential Equations using Python


  • Aayushi Sahgal



mathematical, engineering, computer science, practitioners


Numerical analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the development, analysis, and implementation of numerical algorithms for solving mathematical problems. In particular, it focuses on finding approximate solutions to problems that cannot be solved analytically, often using computers and other numerical methods. The numerical analysis involves the use of various mathematical techniques, including linear algebra, calculus, optimization, and statistics, to develop numerical algorithms that can solve a wide range of problems in fields such as engineering, physics, finance, and computer science. These problems may involve the calculation of derivatives and integrals, the solution of differential equations, the optimization of functions, and the approximation of functions. The goal of numerical analysis is to provide accurate and efficient solutions to mathematical problems that are difficult or impossible to solve using traditional analytical methods. This field has become increasingly important in modern science and engineering, as it enables researchers and practitioners to simulate complex systems, design new products, and solve challenging mathematical problems.


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How to Cite

Aayushi Sahgal. (2023). Implementation of Numerical Methods for Solving Differential Equations using Python. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 14(4), 133–140.