“A study to assess the level of knowledge and effectiveness of video teaching programmed regarding breast self-examination among students in selective inter college of Haridwar”


  • Miss Shaheen Assistant professor, Shri Swami Bhuman and College of nursing,
  • Aanchal Kashyap Basic B.Sc. nursing 4th year student, Shri Swami Bhuman and College of nursing, Uttarakhand
  • Seeta bora Basic B.Sc. nursing 4th year student, Shri Swami Bhuman and College of nursing, Uttarakhand
  • Shivani Shri Swami Bhuman and College of nursing, Uttarakhand




intercollegiate girls, breast self-examination, breast cancer


primary purpose of this research was to evaluate the value of a video-based Curriculum for Teaching Women to Examine Their Own Breasts for students at a famous Haridwar-based intercollegiate institution. This study made use of experimental research methodologies. The term "purposeful sampling" describes the method used to pick the sample. The sample size was 70 female adolescents. Data was gathered by means of questionnaires. The results show the number and percentage of test takers who gained new understanding about breast self-examination and those who did not. Fourteen percent of female students had average knowledge, twenty-nine percent had bad information, and fifteen percent had superior familiarity with breast self-examination procedures before to instruction; after the lesson, that number had increased to forty-nine percent; twenty-three percent had good knowledge, and fifteen percent had poor knowledge. Of the women who participated in this study, 51% had above-average knowledge of breast self-examination, 23% had average knowledge, and 2% had insufficient comprehension. Education on the need of self-breast examination is therefore essential.


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How to Cite

Miss Shaheen, Aanchal Kashyap, Seeta bora, & Shivani. (2023). “A study to assess the level of knowledge and effectiveness of video teaching programmed regarding breast self-examination among students in selective inter college of Haridwar”. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 14(4), 94–104. https://doi.org/10.36676/jrps.2023-v14i4-013