Prevention Techniques of Burnout in School Teachers: A Review


  • Priyanka Sharma Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, Punjab University, Chandigarh
  • Dr. Sunil Dutt Professor, Education & Educational Management, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Sector 26, Chandigarh


Burnout prevention, Prevention techniques, Supportive environment, Collaboration


In recent years, there has been a rising worry over the issue of teacher burnout. This is due to the fact that the requirements and expectations of the teaching profession continue to expand. This abstract provides an overview of certain preventative measures that, when implemented, may help reduce the likelihood of burnout among educators. To give educators, administrators, and policymakers with useful insights on preventative practises that may be applied to improve teacher well-being and avoid burnout is the goal of this project. The strategies for preventing burnout that are outlined in the article include a wide range pertaining to both the professional and personal lives of educators. Further, it stresses how essential it is to create a good and encouraging workplace for educators, one in which they are made to feel appreciated and respected, and in which they have access to sufficient resources and support systems. The ability of co-workers to work together, effectively communicate with one another, and have a common sense of purpose are all factors that may help create an atmosphere like this. In addition, the paper emphasises how important it is to provide instructors access to professional development opportunities and tools so that they may improve their teaching abilities and their overall effectiveness in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Priyanka Sharma, & Dr. Sunil Dutt. (2023). Prevention Techniques of Burnout in School Teachers: A Review. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 14(2), 149–157. Retrieved from



Original Research Article