Managerial Accounting's Role


  • Lucky Assistant professor -Hindu Khanya Mhavidyalaya Department - commerce JRF qualify


managerial accounting, managerial reporting, information systems, information technologies


The practise of managerial accounting is very important because it enables businesses to make educated business choices and progress toward their financial and strategic objectives. One of the most important functions of managerial accounting is to provide management with up-to-date and correct financial information as quickly as possible. This gives management the ability to monitor performance, recognise patterns, and make choices based on reliable information. This involves generating financial statements, budgets, projections, and variance studies, as well as doing cost assessments to discover areas where expenses may be lowered or optimised. Additionally, this includes establishing budgets. In addition to this, managerial accounting is an extremely important component in the process of making strategic decisions. Managerial accountants are able to give insights into the profitability and viability of various company strategies and investment possibilities by assessing both financial and non-financial information. This involves analysing the possible financial risks and rewards associated with various initiatives, examining the viability of proposed mergers and acquisitions, and identifying possibilities for business expansion and diversification.


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How to Cite

Lucky. (2023). Managerial Accounting’s Role. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 14(2), 130–136. Retrieved from



Original Research Article