The Relationship between Religiosity and Death Anxiety among Older Adults: An Empirical Investigation


  • Samarjeet Singh Rathore
  • Dr. Mandakini Rathore


aging, death Anxiety, religiosity


“The inevitability of death among older individuals has sparked significant discussions about
death anxiety. This study aims to explore the relationship between religiosity and death-related
apprehension in the elderly. We selected 110 individuals aged 65 to 74 using a purposive sampling
approach for data collection. To measure death anxiety and religiosity, we employed wellestablished
tools: the Death Anxiety Scale and the Religiosity Scale. Descriptive statistics,
including mean, median, and standard deviation, were used to analyze the data distribution. We
assessed the relationship between variables using Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient and
conducted an independent t-test to examine potential gender differences in death anxiety and
religiosity. The results indicate that there is no significant connection between religiosity and
death anxiety among older adults. Furthermore, no notable gender disparities were observed in
the levels of death anxiety and religiosity among the elderly. These findings highlight the need to
identify alternative factors influencing death anxiety in older adults for more accurate predictions
and interventions. Given the limited research on the interplay between religiosity and death
anxiety in the elderly population in India, further investigations are necessary to understand the
role of religiosity in shaping death anxiety in this specific demographic.”-


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How to Cite

Samarjeet Singh Rathore, & Dr. Mandakini Rathore. (2024). The Relationship between Religiosity and Death Anxiety among Older Adults: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(1), 72–82. Retrieved from