Customer based brand equity perception and its impact on online purchase intention


  • Sandeep Kumar Beniwal


Customer, e-commerce, digital marketing


There has been a significant expansion in the number of consumer brands as a consequence of the increasing rivalry that has been spurred by globalisation, the blurring of boundaries between countries, the emergence of the Internet, and privatisation. The concept of a "brand," which initially gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, continues to be an important area of research for academics and marketers alike. When it comes to marketing, a brand is an instrumental tool. It is necessary for a brand to achieve a specific level of awareness among the consumer segments that it intends to target in order to make effective use of this instrument. When making a decision to purchase something, this is a necessary thing to take into consideration. In today's oversaturated consumer markets, consumers have a tendency to favour companies that they are already familiar with. The influence of the brand on the decision-making process of consumers about what to buy is as crucial as it has ever been. It has been observed that a higher level of brand awareness might have a favourable impact on the decisions that consumers make.


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How to Cite

Sandeep Kumar Beniwal. (2024). Customer based brand equity perception and its impact on online purchase intention. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(1), 1–6. Retrieved from