
  • Ashok Kute M.Tech, Student, Civil (Construction & Management), School of Engineering and Technology, D.Y. Patil University, Ambi, Pune
  • Prof. Sudhir Shinde Faculty in Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, D.Y. Patil University, Ambi, Pune


FDI, Competitiveness, Demand Condition, Marketing


The infrastructure sector in India is dominated since independence by the public sector with a growth rate of 1.4% to 4.3% from 1950-1980. The growth rate of the infrastructure sector in India GDP increased after the Indian government opened the sector to 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Growth Rate in India GDP was only 5.2% in 1996- 1997 and today it is over 8.6%. India has nearly 2 million kilometers of roads: 960,000 kilometers of surfaced roads and more than 1 million kilometers of roads constructed of gravel, crushed stone, or earth. Fifty-three highways, just under 20,000 kilometers in total length, are rated as national highways, eleven major seaports. It is estimated that the Growth Rate of the Infrastructure Sector in India GDP will grow at the rate of 8.5% between 20015 and 2020.


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How to Cite

Ashok Kute, & Prof. Sudhir Shinde. (2022). A PROPOSED MODEL FOR COMPETITIVENESS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY – A REVIEW PAPER. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(4), 204–208. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/301



Original Research Article