Intelligent IoT Communication System Based on Block Chain


  • Ishita Gupta


phenomenon facilitates, bypassed, firewall system


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a sophisticated form of networking that uses unique identifiers for each device. IoT integrates various technologies such as hand-held digital devices, industrial machinery, animals (or) people, or any physical-digital entities to work together to achieve the application's purpose. However, there are several security concerns. Among them are denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, data theft (or) data breaches, and botnet attacks, in which several systems take control of the victim's system to extract the victim's confidential data. Unsecured devices are the primary security concern in edge computing and IoT frameworks because they are used to increase network coverage. There are also devices within an IoT that can migrate from one network to another, posing a serious security risk. The conventional IoT network now considers the concept of zero trust, which is a mechanism for safeguarding the internet infrastructure and the IT system. It also implies that it allows any device to join a network or access resources within a network, assuming they are also authorized. As a result, once a firewall system in an IoT has been bypassed, it is easy for attackers to function concurrently with the normal node and could be difficult because there are numerous IoT devices, most of which are highly vulnerable and unsecured. This phenomenon facilitates an adversary's use of the gateway system in an IoT environment.


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How to Cite

Ishita Gupta. (2022). Intelligent IoT Communication System Based on Block Chain. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(4), 105–112. Retrieved from



Original Research Article