A Survey on Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data


  • Sapna Manjhi M.tech student, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Bhopal
  • M.A. Rizvi professor, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Bhopal


Twitter, Sentiment Analysis, Microblogging


In modern-day web, the online users are terribly active in registering their opinions a couple of product or a service. There are numerous choices like social media, public forums and E-commerce sites for registering the opinions. With the rise of such sources on the online, people andorganizations are progressively victimization such public opinions for creating important selections. Sentiment analysis is that the method of trailing public reviews to extract the hidden positive, negative or neutral sentiments within the statement and thereby creating effective selections. Sentiment analysis involves grouping the offered data, extracting the options, choosing the required options and eventually creating the sentiment classification to attain the opinions. The extracted opinion offers suggestions for purchasers to grasp additional concerning merchandiser service before shopping for. Sentiment analysis is useful for the makers and marketers to gauge their success on new unleash of their merchandise or service in market. Additionally to any or all the higher than benefits, sentiment analysis helps the policy manufacturers to grasp the general public read and to form public friendly policy, through that new government policies may be simply analyzed. This paper present review on different technique and algorithm are applied in sentiment analysis.


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How to Cite

Sapna Manjhi, & M.A. Rizvi. (2022). A Survey on Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(4), 11–17. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/279



Original Research Article