The Role of AR in Omnichannel Marketing Strategies


  • Nisha Associate Professor of Commerce Govt College for Women, Ambala City Haryana


Augmented Reality (AR), Omnichannel Marketing, Customer Engagement


By boosting consumer interaction and brand experiences, augmented reality (AR) has become a game-changing technology in the domain of omnichannel marketing techniques. Fundamentally, augmented reality (AR) fuses digital and physical worlds by superimposing the former on the latter. When used to the practice of omnichannel marketing, augmented reality facilitates a more cohesive and engaging customer experience by connecting customers' online and offline activities. AR's ability to provide consumers dynamic and tailored experiences is a major addition to multichannel marketing. Consumers may get augmented reality material that enhances their experiences with goods and services via smartphone applications or wearable devices. Before making a purchase, buyers may do things like see how a sofa might appear in their living room or try on clothes virtually. This not only improves the overall buying experience, but also decreases the anxiety often connected with internet purchases. The use of AR helps convey stories and get people interested in a business. Marketers may utilize augmented reality to develop engaging stories about their goods, giving consumers more of a reason to buy into the brand. Advertisements, packaging, and in-store displays may all benefit from augmented reality's interactivity to better express a brand's message and core values. The ability of augmented reality to collect data is also vital to omnichannel advertising. Information about a user's preferences, activities, and interactions may be gathered via AR-powered apps. Using this information, marketers can hone their approaches, create bespoke content, and address the needs of each individual consumer. Businesses may use this information to better tailor their marketing across platforms, which in turn increases the likelihood that customers will stick with them. Brands' interactions with consumers have been radically altered by the introduction of augmented reality (AR) into omnichannel marketing tactics. It promotes brand storytelling, gives consumers a voice, and equips businesses with actionable insights. As augmented reality (AR) technology develops further, it stands to play an ever more pivotal role in omnichannel marketing, spurring innovation and redefining the landscape of customer-brand interactions.


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How to Cite

Nisha. (2022). The Role of AR in Omnichannel Marketing Strategies. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(5), 252–256. Retrieved from



Original Research Article