Reviewing new education Policy on digital citizenship


  • Ruhi


digital citizenship, computer expertise


It was for my dissertation research that I completed this literature review. Educator technology integration and digital citizenship teaching techniques are examined in connection to previous research on the topic. Pre-service and existing instructors, as well as pupils in K-12, are also examined in the review of findings. Many studies and educational institutions have focused on the drawbacks of technology or the ways in which it is being abused by its users. Alternatively, this research focused on educators' knowledge, attitudes, and professional practices in order to discover whether gaps exist in supporting digital citizenship training in equipping students to use technology effectively, responsibly, and ethically.


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How to Cite

Ruhi. (2013). Reviewing new education Policy on digital citizenship. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 4(2), 12–17. Retrieved from



Original Research Article