Ethics in Influencer marketing: Persuasion or Manipulation (based on sponsored content) : A Review


  • Tamanna Gothi Research Scholar
  • Dr. Divya Thakur Department of Commerce and Management IEC University, Baddi (HP), India


YouTube, Purchase intention, consumer buying behaviour, traditional marketing


The internet offers a wide range of tools for "word-of-mouth" marketing and publicity. Customers' ability to communicate with one another and share information about products has been revolutionized by the widespread use of "electronic commerce shopping communities." It has been noted that "e-commerce shopping communities" is a relatively uncharted territory in the world of academic studies. When consumers leave evaluations online, it has a significant impact on other customers' choices to make a purchase. The "idea of word of mouth" is strengthened by the feedback provided by these evaluations. YouTube stars have built up huge followings and are now among the most influential people online. With the rise of YouTube stars, businesses can reach a wider audience and raise their profile. Consumers' desire to buy is examined in relation to YouTube videos, and new YouTube criteria are also presented.


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How to Cite

Tamanna Gothi, & Dr. Divya Thakur. (2022). Ethics in Influencer marketing: Persuasion or Manipulation (based on sponsored content) : A Review. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 13(5), 51–60. Retrieved from



Original Research Article