Human resource management scops and Importance: A Review


  • KumarA


Human, resource, managemen


Management of human resources (HRM) is the process of attracting and retaining employees through hiring, educating, and remunerating them. “Throughout the previous twenty years, HRM has seen a number of changes, making it an even more critical component of today's enterprises. Prior to the advent of HRM, the work of HR was limited to processing payroll and delivering birthday presents to employees, organising business trips, and ensuring sure forms were filled out properly. Ex-GE CEO and management expert Jack Welch sets up the new function of human resources management in a succinct way: It's time to say goodbye to the celebrations, birthdays, and registration paperwork... Keep in mind that HR matters even in the best of circumstances, but it is defined in the worst.


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How to Cite

Kumar, A. (2013). Human resource management scops and Importance: A Review. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 4(1), 50–53. Retrieved from



Original Research Article