R.K. Narayan's The Guide and Indian Women


  • Mrs. Meenal Mittal


Indian women,, Marriage,, dependent,


There is a wide range of experiences and difficulties that Indian women confront, and they are reflected in the characters. Narayan's portrayal of Indian women transcends cliches by showing them to be complicated human beings with unique wants and needs. He investigates how cultural norms, familial expectations, and social forces shape women's lives and restrict their freedom of choice. Narayan recognizes, however, that they are strong and capable of overcoming these restrictions. An additional topic explored in The Guide is the effect of sexuality on Indian women. Rosie's character is both admired and condemned by the community as she questions established moral norms and tests the limits of her own sexual autonomy. The novel's greater topic of women's liberty and self-expression is bolstered by its examination of female sexuality and its consequences.


Narayan, R.K. The Guide. New Delhi: Indian Thought Publications, 2007.

Som, Dev. The Guide: A Critical Appreciation. Bareilly India: Prakash Booka. Depot,1982.

Spivak Gayatri, Chakraborty. How to read a Culturally Different Book in Barker, Hulme and Iverson eds. Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory, 1994.

Sen,Krishna. Critical Essays on R.K.Narayan's 'The Guide'. Delhi India: Orient Longman Private Ltd, 2006.

Singh, Nisha. Womanhood Concepts in the Novels of R.K. Narayan. Delhi: Women Press,2007




How to Cite

Mittal , M. M. (2021). R.K. Narayan’s The Guide and Indian Women. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(4), 282–287. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/202



Original Research Article