A Study on Curvature in Lorentzian Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms and Its Applications


  • SAVITA S SHINDE Lecturer, Dept of Science , Govt Polytechnic – Belagavi
  • VIJAY. M.P Lecturer , Dept Of E &E, Govt Polytechnic-Chamarajanagar
  • SHIVAKUMAR MD Lecturer , Dept Of Science, Govt Polytechnic-Chamarajanagar




Lorentzian, Sasakian-Space-Forms, Curvature, semisymmetric, Ricci, Differential Geometry


In this paper, we investigate the curvature properties of Lorentzian generalized Sasakian-space-forms. We establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for these manifolds to be projectively flat, conformally flat, conharmonically flat, and Ricci semisymmetric, exploring their interrelationships. Additionally, as an application of these theorems, we study the behavior of Ricci almost solitons on conformally flat Lorentzian generalized Sasakian-space-forms.


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How to Cite

SAVITA S SHINDE, VIJAY. M.P, & SHIVAKUMAR MD. (2019). A Study on Curvature in Lorentzian Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms and Its Applications. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 10(1), 92–101. https://doi.org/10.36676/jrps.v10.i1.1630

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