Analysing the Spatial Patterns of Land Use / Land cover: A Case Study of Panipat City


  • Manju Kumari


Spatial Patterns, Land Use


Presently Land usages and land cover patterns indicate the nature of society’s close physical relationship with its surroundings. Planners and management authorities need land use / land cover data to perform land suitability assessment and demand supply calculations as part of their planning duties. Land use and Land cover trends can be used to get an idea of how humans use the earth surface and how it is organized in space. A big part of monitoring land cover around the world is to look for long term changes that happen because of changes in local or regional climates. In the current study, urban expansion and land use / land cover changes in Panipat city are detected, indicating a substantial change in the city cape and land transformation.


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How to Cite

Kumari, M. (2021). Analysing the Spatial Patterns of Land Use / Land cover: A Case Study of Panipat City. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(3), 169–181. Retrieved from



Original Research Article