Disaster Recovery in Cloud Environments: Strategies for Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery, Single Cloud, (RTO), (RPO), Business Continuity, Multi-Cloud, DatabaseAbstract
The most important components of a firm are business continuity and disaster recovery planning, although they are often disregarded. Even before a crisis strikes, businesses need to have a well-organized strategy and documentation for business continuity and recovery after a disaster. A single cloud is characterised as a collection of servers housed in one or more data centres that are provided by a single supplier. Nonetheless, there are several reasons why switching from a single cloud to multiple clouds is sensible and crucial. For example, single cloud providers are still vulnerable to outages, which impacts the database's availability. Furthermore, the single cloud may experience partial or whole data loss in the event of a catastrophe. Due to the significant risks of database accessibility failure and the potential for malevolent insiders inside the single cloud, it is anticipated that consumers would become less fond of single clouds. Cloud-based Disaster Recovery (DR) enables the coordinated use of resources from many cloud services offered by the DR Service provider. Thus, it is essential to create a workable multi-cloud-based Disaster Recovery (DR) architecture that minimises backup costs in relation to Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). By achieving high data dependability, cheap backup costs, quick recovery, and business continuity before to, during, and after the catastrophic incidence, the framework should preserve accessibility to data. This study suggests a multi-cloud architecture that ensures high data availability before to, during, and after the catastrophe. Additionally, it guarantees that database services will continue both before and after the financial crisis.
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