Behaviour of Dividend Decision Determinants: A Comparative Study of Select Indian Public and Private Manufacturing Companies
Dividend Policy, Payout Ratio, Indian Manufacturing firms, Dividend Determinants, Dividend BehaviourAbstract
Developing an optimal dividend policy is a critical area for management because it allocates a firm's surplus profit distribution among shareholders as dividends or can be retained in the business for re-investment. The present study examines the trend and pattern of dividend decision variables of Indian manufacturing companies over the period 2000-01 to 2019-20. The analysis uses descriptive statistics and an independent sample t-test, revealing that highly profitable, liquid, and larger firms have higher dividend payout ratios. In contrast, firms with high capital expenditure in fixed assets generally distribute lower dividends to their shareholders. The findings advocated that the dividend policy decision of Indian manufacturing firms is primarily influenced by variables like the firm's size, profitability, liquidity, lagged dividend, and cash-flow position. The study results are also consistent with the life cycle theory and signaling theory of dividend policy.
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