To Study of Construction wastages on Construction Project


  • Mr. Sudhir Patil PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineer & Technology, D Y Patil University, Pune.
  • Er. Upendra Saharkar Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineer & Technology, D Y Patil University, Pune.



Construction Wastages, Lean Construction, CWMT, Construction Project


The construction industry is an important cog in the wheel of national economies around the globe. Low productivity, unsafe working conditions, inadequate quality, and poor safety are some of the well-known chronic difficulties in the construction industry. In today's world, the construction sector is confronted with a number of critical issues. These include rising competition from outside, a lack of qualified workers, and the imperative to enhance the quality of building. In order to meet these problems, the sector must immediately increase efficiency, improve quality, and adopt new technology. Over the last several decades, a great deal of research and study has focused on the difficulties encountered by the construction industry. This research has sought to determine the root causes of these problems and, in some cases, has even proposed solutions.
The study is to confirm and reevaluate the current state of productivity and performance in the local construction industry's activities and processes. The purpose of this is to gain a better understanding of the existing state of "lean" in the local construction sector by establishing new measurement parameters that are specific to waste and cycle time as they relate to the principles and concepts of Lean Construction.


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How to Cite

Mr. Sudhir Patil, & Er. Upendra Saharkar. (2024). To Study of Construction wastages on Construction Project . International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(3), 58–65.