To study the relation between fast food and obesity in the Teenagers


  • Sandeep Kumar PhD research scholar, CT University
  • Dr Ashish Raina CT University Ludhiana



Obesity, Teenagers, Fast Food Consumption, Dietary Habits, Public Health, Nutritional Epidemiology, Food and Nutrition


Obesity among adolescents is on the rise, and this epidemic has serious consequences for people's health in the future. Obesity and fast food intake among adolescents (13–19 years old) is the focus of this research. Data were obtained from a varied sample of teens using a cross-sectional methodology. The teenagers were asked extensive questions about their diet, how often they eat fast food, how active they are, their socioeconomic position, and their anthropometric measures (height, weight, BMI). In order to find important factors that may predict obesity and to exclude any confounding variables, statistical studies were used, which included regression and correlation methods. Results show a robust association between eating a lot of fast food and being overweight or obese, even after controlling for variables like exercise and income. The urgent need for focused public health initiatives and legislation to discourage adolescent fast food consumption and encourage better food choices is emphasized by these results. Comprehensive nutritional education and the creation of supportive settings that promote healthy eating habits in teenagers should be prioritized, since this research sheds light on the dietary patterns that contribute to obesity. It is critical to tackle these problems at an early stage in order to improve the health of future generations and reduce the dangers of obesity in the long run.


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How to Cite

Sandeep Kumar, & Dr Ashish Raina. (2024). To study the relation between fast food and obesity in the Teenagers. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(2), 252–258.