Performance Appraisal of Permanent Lok Adalat in Haryana: A Comprehensive Analysis


  • Rahul Kadian Research Scholar, Department of Public Administration, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana)
  • Rajesh Kumar Kundu Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana)



Permanent Lok Adalat (PLA), Free Legal Aid, Legal Awareness, Judicial System


This study aims to examine the implementation of Haryana Legal Services Authority (HALSA) provisions, evaluate the functioning of Lok Adalats, assess the effectiveness of mediation centers alongside PLAs, review the process for granting free legal aid, and analyze the challenges faced by Permanent Lok Adalats in Haryana. This study employs a multistage sampling approach, including structured interviews with stakeholders, open discussions, and observations for primary data collection, alongside secondary sources like annual reports and published studies. Quantitative tools such as averages and percentages, as well as qualitative content analysis, were used for data analysis, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of PLA performance. The study finds that awareness of HALSA provisions is primarily driven by print and social media, with moderate overall awareness among respondents. Beneficiaries are generally satisfied with HLSA services, although improvements in accessibility and responsiveness are needed. PLA proceedings are viewed positively regarding information clarity and timeliness, but challenges persist in transparency, communication, and the handling of personal details. The study highlights the need for better infrastructure, enhanced awareness, and support mechanisms to ensure equal access to justice and effective dispute resolution by PLAs in Haryana.


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How to Cite

Rahul Kadian, & Rajesh Kumar Kundu. (2024). Performance Appraisal of Permanent Lok Adalat in Haryana: A Comprehensive Analysis. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(2), 221–231.