Overview of CSR Initiatives: A case study of NHPC


  • Anu Malhotra Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, IGNOU




CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility , NHPC, Personal Social Responsibility (PSR), Sustainable development


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a holistic phenomenon. Over the period of time it has became integral part of business strategies of an organization. CSR has transcended the concept of philanthropy and charity now focuses more on the sustainability rather just satisfying immediate needs. CSR not only confine to abiding laws and environment regulations it also involves the organization towards various intiatives undertaken to cater the needs of marginalized and deprived section of the society. With the growing alignment of business operation with social values the interest of various stakeholders is considered while framing company’’s business policies and actions. CSR initiatives adopted by the organization focuses on the social, environmental and economic aspects in order to work towards triple bottom line effect. This paper focuses on fundamentals of CSR and emphasis the CSR initiatives being undertaken by NHPC.  Based on the case study of NHPC the major objectives of its CSR and sustainability policy are thoroughly analysed and the impact of CSR on profitability is studied with the help of correlation and regression test. The paper discusses the results obtained from the analysis which were statistically not significant but also did not hold negative implications for the companies


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How to Cite

Malhotra, A. (2024). Overview of CSR Initiatives: A case study of NHPC. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(2), 168–185. https://doi.org/10.36676/jrps.v15.i2.1407



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