Optimizing Nutritional Outcomes: The Role of AI in Personalized Diet Planning





Personalized Nutrition, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Dietary Assessment, Nutritional Science, Health Technology


The field of nutrition is undergoing a paradigm shift from generalized dietary guidelines to personalized nutrition, aiming to optimize health outcomes on an individual level. This paper explores the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in facilitating personalized diet planning. Through the integration of AI technologies, including machine learning and data analytics, personalized diet plans can now be tailored to individual nutritional needs, preferences, and health goals with unprecedented precision. Case examples demonstrating the effective use of AI algorithms to improve dietary evaluation and modification are highlighted in this paper's thorough analysis of present AI applications in nutritional research. There are a number of obstacles to using AI in nutrition, despite the technology's promise. These include worries about data privacy and the need for strong, interpretable models. Future directions include the integration of emerging fields such as genomics and microbiomics, which could further refine AI-driven dietary recommendations. Ultimately, this paper demonstrates that while AI holds promising prospects for advancing personalized nutrition, it requires careful consideration of ethical, technological, and regulatory issues.


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How to Cite

Sharma, S. K., & Gaur, S. (2024). Optimizing Nutritional Outcomes: The Role of AI in Personalized Diet Planning. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(2), 107–116. https://doi.org/10.36676/jrps.v15.i2.15



Original Research Article