Physico- Chemical properties of water Godavari River


  • Chetan Harak Assistant Professor, First Year Engineering Department, DYPIET, Ambi, SPPU Pune, India
  • Dr.Renu Parashar Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Ambi SPPU Pune, India


Total Hardness, Darana River, Total Alkalinity, Turbidity, temperature, alkalinity


The present study was undertaken to study the physico-chemical parameters of water samples collected from Darana river water at bhagurnashik. The quality of water is no good for commercial use. The water sample was collected from different places of bhagur city .The physicochemical parameter like, temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca++) magnesium (Mg++ ), chloride (Cl-), was determined. The analysis concludes that the water of bhagurnashik is hard water which contains higher amount of Calcium and Magnesium as well as the water contains higher amount of carbonates and bicarbonates.


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How to Cite

Chetan Harak, & Dr.Renu Parashar. (2018). Physico- Chemical properties of water Godavari River. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 9(4), 42–44. Retrieved from



Original Research Article