Analysis For Energy Efficient Network Model Considering Multiple Criteria
Mobile cloud computing, Fiber Optics, Attenuation, AES ENCRYPTIONAbstract
Proposed work has been proposed to minimize the queuing delay probability of congestion of packet size. The overall performance of energy efficient model gets boosted in case of proposed work at sender & receiver end. The gets reduced in case of proposed work. Attenuation is a measure of the loss of signal strength or light power that occurs as light pulses propagate through a run of multimode or single-mode fiber. Specially, the Measurements has been defined as the decibels or may be dB/km. Attenuation in fiber optics has been measured for wavelength 1310 nm and 1550 nm. It has been simulated with respect to distance, joints, and connector. Proposed work would boost the network lifetime and grow packet delivery ratio.
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