
  • Deependra Narayan Singh Research Scholar, A.P., Ganga Technical Campus
  • Mr. Ritesh Kumar Research Scholar, A.P., Ganga Technical Campus


Genetic algorithm, implementation, Optimization


The implementation of PSO and SVM IN POKER has been proposed here. The efficient Particle Swarm Optimization approach for poker has been discussed with integration of Support Vector Machine. The performance of the Proposed Approach in poker is also considered here. The paper also provides the compare the performance of Existing Approach (Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine) with the Proposed Approach for poker. The performance of SVM based PSO is better as compared to SVM based GA in POKER. The blue curve represents the time taken by SVM based PSO and red curve represents SVM based GA. SVM based GA is taking more time as compare to SVM based PSO POKER SYSTEM. Thus it could be considered that the performance of SVM based PSO is better as compare to SVM based GA POKER SYSTEM.The research work would be beneficial to resolve the issues related to warm particle based implementation with such integration for poker.


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How to Cite

Deependra Narayan Singh, & Mr. Ritesh Kumar. (2019). COMPARATIVE ANALYISIS OF SIMULATION OF PSO AND SVM IN MATLAB. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 10(3), 37–41. Retrieved from



Original Research Article