
  • Monika Research Scholar, Department of CSE, IIET Kinana Assistant Professir, Department of CSE, IIET Kinana
  • Deepika Research Scholar, Department of CSE, IIET Kinana Assistant Professir, Department of CSE, IIET Kinana


Canny Edge Detector, Image Compression, Grid Computing


In this research, the use of applications of various devices those are related to IOT has been discussed. In the research the implementation of image capturing module has been made from two different dimensions. The deployment of IOT application on grid environment has been made. The implementation of Security of Physical Wallets is made for grid array sensor module for security purpose. Several cameras are used to fetch the image and MATLAB is used for implementation purpose as well as compression of image. The canny edge detector is used to eliminate the useless part of image. The research work would be beneficial to integrate the IOT within Infrared Array sensors in order to implement proposed work. In future time, it would be beneficial for those who want to know about implementation of image capturing module from two different dimensions. It would deploy the IOT application on cloud environment. The paper has been proposed the system for security of organization. It would also offer a way of to increase Testing efficiency of system within existing on.


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How to Cite

Monika, & Deepika. (2019). IMPEMENTATION WORK ON IOT WITH GRID COMPUTING IN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 10(2), 50–55. Retrieved from



Original Research Article