Metacognitive Skills, Senior Secondary, Science StudentsAbstract
The present study examined the ‘academic performance in relation to metacognitive skills of senior secondary science students’ To accomplish the study total sample of 400 students were selected at random basis from twenty government and twenty private schools of Haryana state. ‘Meta-Cognitive Skills Scale’ developed and standardized by Madhu Gupta and Suman (2017) was used to assess the level of Meta-cognitive Skills. Data of academic performance was collected from the result of 12th board exam conducted by Board of School Education Haryana. The result of data analysis revealed significant difference of academic performance with respect to school (government and private), gender (male and female) and coaching ( taking coaching & not taking coaching) however, no significant difference were observed with respect to stream (non medical and medical). It may be concluded that type of school, gender and coaching significantly influenced the academic performance, but stream does not influence the academic performance. Private school students, female students and students taking coaching have more academic performance. The result also revealed significant influence of metacognitive skills on academic performance of senior secondary science students and it accounts for 21.00% of the variance in students’ academic performance. Thus, enhancing of students Metacognitive skills could contribute in improving academic performance of students.
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